SwiftCompare is a file/folder comparison utility, which is positioned as “fully customizable and most flexible” software. It is based on Customizable CME (Compare and Merge Engine), allowing you to compare, merge files, and synchronize folders, the way you want. We tried to review this program in order to find out, if it actually gives the user full control over file/folder comparison process.
File comparison
SwiftCompare has a standard user interface with two side-by-side comparison panels, menu bar, and toolbar. The user can work with several comparison windows simultaneously, arranging them in cascade/tile mode.
Once we started working with SwiftCompare, we were surprised by not finding some common functionality we’ve already become used to. For instance, SwiftCompare does not support char-by-char comparison, which is crucial for many types of comparison projects. The program only shows differences in both files at a “diff block” or “line” level. SwiftCompare also does not support custom syntax highlighting for various programming languages (for instance, C, HTML, etc.). However, the user can manually set syntax colors for comments, operators, and strings in the source code.
SwiftCompare has a convenient comparison interface, allowing the user to arrange the comparison text by line numbers, enable/disable in-panel editing, and use text wrapping. Unfortunately, context menu is unavailable while comparing files; the user can use only toolbar buttons and menu commands. Another small inconvenience is that you can’t use middle mouse button for scrolling the text inside the comparison panels.
SwiftCompare has extensive “text ignore” options, including ignore whitespaces (leading/trailing/multiple), blank lines, and text case. Advanced features allow the user to ignore source code comments as well.
SwiftCompare cannot be used for comparing binary, as well MS Word and PDF files. However, SwiftCompare allows the user to compare text directly from clipboard; the user can use copy/paste method to compare text from third-party applications, and then save the results in plain text format.
SwiftCompare supports the following encoding schemes: ANSI, Unicode, and UTF-8. The file encoding can be recognized automatically or manually (if auto recognition fails).
Folder comparison
SwiftCompare has impressive manual and auto synchronization functionality for folder comparison. The user can choose sync behavior for individual files using context menu or toolbar buttons. In context menu, the user can also rename or delete files, see file properties and compare the file pair using text comparison tool. SwiftCompare contains extensive auto sync options: the user can use “sync to target” and “sync both” modes. The program allows setting different sync rules for newer, older, different, same, and orphan files. With SwiftCompare auto and manual sync functionality, the user truly gets full control over folder synchronization process.
SwiftCompare supports file comparison by size, version, time/date, file contents, as well as advanced byte-by-byte comparison (“binary compare”). The program has extensive file filters, including filters by name, extension, and attributes of the file.
SwiftCompare contains advanced time features, allowing the user to ignore FAT/NTFS time difference, and daylight saving time difference. The user can also set customized time lag between files in hours (this feature is not available in most programs). The user can also set timestamp manually for any file, or copy it from the file pair by using “touch” function.
In case you’ve accidentally made incorrect changes to the compared file/folder, you can easily restore files by using SwiftCompare Backup functionality. The program contains extensive customization features, enabling the user to save backup files with specified names, or in hidden mode. The user can also set the directory for the compared folders to be backed up in.
SwiftCompare allows the user to save file/folder comparison report in HTML format. Besides, the user can view Comparison Summary at any stage of the project.
Unfortunately, SwiftCompare does not support folder snapshot feature.
The price for SwiftCompare is $27, which is lower than for most comparison programs.
SwiftCompare is a powerful file/folder comparison software, which provides all the basic functionality for consistent comparison projects. However, its text comparison capabilities lack some quite useful features available in most popular comparison programs, such as ECMerge Pro 2.0 and ExamDiff Pro (take, for instance, char-by-char comparison, and binary files comparison).
However, SwiftCompare folder comparison supports advanced manual and auto sync functionality, providing you with full control over folder synchronization process. It allows the user to define sync behavior for all types of differences. Besides, SwiftCompare allows comparing files by size, version, time/date, and file contents. Byte-by-byte comparison is also available.
Customized backup functionality of SwiftCompare is very helpful for restoring files that were synchronized or merged incorrectly.
Notwithstanding some functionality limitations, SwiftCompare is a professional utility which could be used in a wide range of comparison projects. Our rating for SwiftCompare is 8/10.
Price: $27 USD (FREE TRIAL)
Diverse comparison methods
Three-way comparison
Text navigation
Report functionality
Merge functionality
Integration with version control systems Yes
Folder comparison
Folder hierarchy synchronization
Custom file filters
Byte-by-byte comparison